Will & Grace

Will & Grace (1998)

41 mistakes in season 7

(4 votes)

The Blonde Leading The Blind - S7-E20

Continuity mistake: In this episode, Karen doesn't want to get glasses because she thinks they make her look old. However, in a previous episode (S1E9) we see that she actually already wears glasses. In a scene where Jack asks her to read his script, she quickly puts on a pair of reading glasses.

From Queer To Eternity - S7-E22

Audio problem: When Will and Grace are outside talking about the will Grace is going to write up, they sit down on some steps for a few minutes. When they stand up, Grace says "Now come on, why don't you accomplish us a couple of hot dogs," yet the line is clearly dubbed and her mouth is not in sync. (00:17:20)


Kiss & Tell (2) - S7-E24

Continuity mistake: When Grace and Tom are looking at the designs for his hotel, there are papers, books and fabrics spread on the table that move around a few times - especially the book near the side of the table which is open, then closed and then reopened. (00:08:40)


Kiss & Tell (2) - S7-E24

Continuity mistake: At the beginning scene when Grace is sitting with the newspaper, when she puts the paper down and picks up the other one, between shots her mug on the table moves from being on her right to her left. (00:00:30)


From Queer To Eternity - S7-E22

Continuity mistake: When Grace is sitting with Marilyn, Marilyn starts putting little sandwiches on a plate for them. Between shots she puts them on the same plate three times and then the plate is instantly on the table in front of Grace in the next shot. (00:10:00)


Dance Cards & Greeting Cards - S7-E16

Continuity mistake: When Karen sits down at the bar at the Valentine dance and Beverley Leslie pops up and frightens her, she pulls her hands back from the bar but in the next shot her right hand is back on the bar. Also the position of the strap on her purse, that sits on the bar, changes a few times. (00:08:50)


Will & Grace mistake picture

Bully Woolley - S7-E15

Continuity mistake: After Jack has shouted at Patti LuPone to be quiet so he can talk to Will, as Will is thanking Jack as the shots change, the teapot that sits on the table between them continues to change whether it's facing left or right. The items around the teapot (cups, food on plates, etc.) also differs. (00:17:40)


Will & Grace mistake picture

Board Games - S7-E13

Continuity mistake: When all of the board members leave the room after reconsidering their vote and giving it to Karen, when the shot changes and Scott enters the room, note that now all of the files on the table and the chairs around the table are in completely different positions. (00:19:40)


Will & Grace mistake picture

Board Games - S7-E13

Continuity mistake: When Grace and Jack are talking to Vince in the Organic Grocer's and they find out he now works there, as Vince walks away from the cans he was stacking, he walks past a table with jam jars on it. In the next shot the position of some of the jars has changed. (00:15:05)


Will & Grace mistake picture

Queens For A Day (2) - S7-E11

Continuity mistake: When Annette is talking to Will in the kitchen about him having to be one hell of a guy for Vince, there is a paper circle on the floor under the kitchen's centre table. When Jack enters the room, the paper has vanished and also a large glass bowl has appeared on the tabletop. (00:21:25)


Will & Grace mistake picture

Queens For A Day (1) - S7-E10

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene when Grace, Karen and Jack sit at the breakfast table waiting for breakfast to be served, the napkin on the table in front of Grace keeps changing from sitting parallel to or facing away from her, the two crockery items on the table keep moving as well, as do the artificial fruits in the bowl. (00:00:30)


Karen: Gosh, I don't think that I've ever been stressed out. Why would I be? I've got practically no responsibilities, my job's a breeze and I've got a killer rack! Good morning!

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Fanilow - S6-E10

Question: Will and the others are in line to buy Barry Manilow tickets when the box office opens at 6:00 a.m. the next morning (it is established that the episode takes place before midnight) and at one point Rudy states that the show is "tomorrow night." My question: is it common in New York for a fairly popular performer to sell tickets only on the day of the show? I live in Southern California and I can't think of a single time I've heard of a concert headliner selling tickets less than a month before the show.


Chosen answer: I'm not from New York so I can't speak for them, but in Chicago it has happened before. not very often though but I do recall it happening. I have also seen no tickets sold prior to the show at all, it was just first come first served the night of the show. That is very uncommon though.


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