Steve: Beer for breakfast there, Two-Bit?
Cherry: How old are ya'll anyway?
Ponyboy: Fourteen.
Johnny: Sixteen.
Marcia: By the looks of it I thought you were both four.
Cherry: Sixteen.
Cherry: GET lost, hood.
Dallas: God, I didn't know you had this problem with, with yelling in my face.
Ponyboy: Nature's first green is gold, / Her hardest hue to hold. / Her early leaf's a flower, / But only so an hour. / Then leaf subsides to leaf, / So Eden sank to grief. / So dawn goes down to day, / Nothing gold can stay.
Johnny: Where did you learn that? That's what I meant.
Ponyboy: Robert Frost wrote it. I always remembered it because I never quite knew what he meant.
Dallas: Man, I thought New York was the only place to end up in a murder rap, Jesus Christ.
Johnny: Leave her alone, Dal.
Dallas: What'd you say?
Johnny: Come on, you heard me. Leave her alone.
Dallas: What'd you say, you little shit? What'd you say to me? Wiseass.
Dallas: You think my old man gives a hang if I'm dead in a car wreck or drunk or in jail or something, he doesn't care but that doesn't bother me. You're not going anywhere.
Steve: What do you think, man? You think it makes me look tough?
Sodapop Curtis: I think it makes you look different.
Steve: What'd you mean, "different"?
Sodapop Curtis: Well, you got a hole in your mouth.
Dallas: Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me?
Two Bit: You know the only thing that keeps Darry from being a Soc is us.
Johnny: I used to talk about killing myself all the time, man. But I don't wanna die now. It ain't long enough. Sixteen years ain't gonna be long enough. Hell, I wouldn't care so much if there hadn't been so many things I haven't done yet. So many damn things I ain't seen or done. That time when we were in Windrixville was the only time I've ever been away from my neighborhood.
Ponyboy: It was your bright idea, smarty.
Dallas: Johnny, you don't know what a few months in jail can do to you, man. You get mean in jail, I just don't wanna see that happen to you like it happened to me, man. Understand?
Ponyboy: Soda, Soda, are you in love with Sandy?
Sodapop Curtis: Mhmm.
Ponyboy: What's it like?
Sodapop Curtis: Most of the time... it's real nice.
Dallas: Are you a real redhead? Are you real? How can I find out if this is your real red hair? If this is the same red hair you have on your, uh, your, your, these eyebrows.
Dallas: I'm sorry. I didn't know you had this problem with yelling in my face.
Dallas: I don't like little kids. I just, I just don't like them.
Darrel Curtis: Pony, what's wrong?
Ponyboy: Johnny's dead. Told him about beating the Socs, I don't know. He just died. Told me to stay gold. Dally's gone. He couldn't take it, he's going to blow.
Cherry: Can't you leave us alone? be nice and leave US alone.
Dallas: I'm never nice. Can I interest you in a Coca-Cola or a 7-Up?
Cherry: GET lost, hood.
Ponyboy: I'm freezing, man.
Dallas: Why didn't you bring a coat, stupid?
Ponyboy: I forgot.
Answer: Johnny is recalling the argument he heard his parents having; the voices were meant to sound angry but not to be understood. Its to help us understand his horrid home life.