Easter egg: When on the menu screen, move the cursor to highlight the Hackers logo. Press enter, and your will be taken to a screen with a choice of four passwords. The correct password is GOD, which one can learn by watching the movie. When the password GOD is selected, you will be taken into a cool short visual of cyberspace.

Easter egg: On Side A of the 10th Anniversary Edition DVD, in the "Languages" menu, highlight the spoken language option "Francais 2.0" and press right twice to highlight a hidden icon. Press enter to view a hidden video clip.

Easter egg: Stay after the credits for a bonus scene featuring Mark and Eddie.

Easter egg: In the two-disc deluxe version, go to the root menu, highlight the first item; press the right navigation arrow and the knob on the TV highlights. Press enter to watch the Buzz Light Year TV commercial from the movie.

Easter egg: Go to the Interview and Profile section of Die Hard 3 Ultimate Edition disc 2. Press left to highlight an exit sign, and press enter to see a hidden blooper reel.

Easter egg: Warning: very intricate. These steps will play the most erotic scenes from Showgirls back-to-back and looped 5 times. 1) From the Chapter Selections menu, go to Chapters 9-12, highlight but don't press enter. Activate small hidden button in the upper left corner of the screen by entering "17" on your remote ONCE. 2) Go to chapters 21-24 (highlight w/o enter) and enter "17" on your remote ONCE. 3) (optional to add extra scene) Go to chapters 33-36 (highlight w/o enter) and enter "17" on your remote ONCE. 4) From the chapters 33-36 menu, play the ending credits. 5) Hit the forward skip button to end the movie. 6) You will see the MGM logo animation display, followed by the Showgirls Copyright screen. On THIS screen enter "2" on your remote control. If you did this correctly, the video should begin playing.