Trivia: When the oldest boy is hit in the face with a basketball, he blurts out "Oh, f***!"

Trivia: During the scene before the fight, where Rocky enters the ring and sees the 2 portraits of him and Apollo, the error on Rocky's shorts was an actual error made by the art crew, and Sylvester Stallone rewrote the scene when he saw this mistake.

Trivia: Betty Buckley really slapped Nancy Allen across the face during the detention scene. Brian DePalma wanted the right reaction.

Trivia: All of the singing in this film was dubbed by adult vocalists.

Trivia: Director Martin Scorsese makes more then just a cameo in this film, he's the passenger that sits with Travis talking about how he's going to kill his wife for cheating on him with a black man. He's credited as "Man Watching Silhouette".

Trivia: Frank Wills, the security guard who discovered the Watergate break-in, plays himself.

Trivia: The film-makers only had three vintage US aircraft for the production, namely two F4F Wildcat fighters and a PBY Catalina search plane. All of the other aircraft that appear are from either wartime footage or from previous war movies.

Trivia: Some of the combat footage shown during the opening credits comes from John Huston's classic Civil War film, "The Red Badge of Courage" (1951). (00:08:22)

Trivia: Michael York (Logan 5), Richard Jordan (Francis 7) and Michael Anderson Jr.(Doc), were all over 30 years old when they made the film (the premise of which is that no-one is allowed to live past the age of 30).

Trivia: Beatrice Straight won the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for her role of Louise Schumacher, even though she was only on screen for five minutes and forty seconds. This is the shortest performance ever to win an Oscar.

Trivia: The train crash at the end of the movie was filmed at Toronto's Union Station. While the layout of Union Station is irrelevant, it's interesting that the train's final position would have required it to cross the tracks at a 90° angle (more or less) and drop down onto the ramp that connects the Great Hall to the passenger departure area.

Trivia: The smile that Damien gives at the very end wasn't scripted. Originally, Damien was supposed to "look really mean," but Harvey Stephens couldn't keep a straight face: he started to smile, then laugh. Richard Donner decided that the smile made Damien look even more evil, so it stayed in the movie.

Trivia: The assault takes place on Precinct 9, Division 13. There is no "Precinct 13" in the film. At first John Carpenter wanted to call the film "The Anderson Alamo" (the original title of his screenplay), and at one point he changed the working title to "The Siege." CKK, the film's distributor, was responsible for the misnomer; it rejected Carpenter's titles and came up with the name "Assault on Precinct 13" (which it felt was more ominous sounding) during post-production.

Trivia: Alfred Hitchcock's silhouette can be seen in the window of the registry of births and deaths office. He is the figure on the right pointing at the figure on the left.

Trivia: Kenneth Connor's line, "I've been regular for eighteen years", is an in-joke about his time in the "Carry On" films. He made his debut in 1958, and when the film was released in 1976, he was in the films for eighteen years.

Trivia: At the Iron Man's house, there is a painting of the Hindenburg airship disaster. Rene Auberjonois (Father Kudos) had previously starred in the 1975 movie The Hindenburg as Major Napier.

Trivia: Bound For Glory was the first production to make use of the Steadicam.