Audio problem: When Luke says, "Now all we gotta do is find this Yoda, if he even exists," if you look closely, his mouth never moves.

Audio problem: After the aeroplane crashed, a dinosaur stepped over it and the windows shattered making the typical sound of made-of-glass things when broken. They are made of plexiglass (a sort of fibrous plastic).

Audio problem: When Sidney comes running to the house and she sees Dewey come out with the knife in his back she screams "Dewey!" but her mouth says "no!" (01:27:23)

Audio problem: At the beginning, when they steal the dolphin, you hear the peel-out sound effect as if the truck was on a paved road, but they were on grass. (00:07:15)

Audio problem: Just before the crashed jet skids to a stop, you can hear the jet engines despite them being ripped off with the tail fin quite a way back, so you shouldn't be able to hear them.

Audio problem: In the scene where Leo explains how he launders the drug money and Roger says "You're a cheat", Leo says "Come on, everyone cheats a little, look at the pentagon." But when he says "look at the pentagon", it's dubbed in because the sound of his voice doesn't match his other dialogue, and if you read his lips it doesn't match either.

Audio problem: When the cop saves the girl from the mob of locals, his car tires squeal as he accelerates away, but the car is on loose dirt, which makes the squealing impossible.

Audio problem: When the Terminator breaks into the police station, he has a Franchise SPAS 12 semi-automatic (or selectable pump action) shotgun in his left hand, and an Armalite AR 180 machine gun in his right. Before he kills the power in the building, he comes to the end of a hall, points his shotgun through a doorway, and shoots. A machine gun sound is used for the blast, instead of a shotgun sound. (01:00:28)

Audio problem: At the end of the film, where Big Momma is performing with Carrie's cheer leading squad, when Andrew breaks loose and climbs up the human pyramid that the girls made, and jumps, falling on Big Momma's stomach. Then Andrew says, "Big Momma" but his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Bond is involved in a high-speed chase on the way to Miss Taro's house, his wheels are squealing like crazy, but he's on a dirt road. (00:48:10)

Audio problem: When Tommy replays Jamie's call about Michael, there's an announcement at the bus station, when Jamie makes that call, you don't hear that announcement.

Audio problem: Before they leave for Mission City, Lennox tells Keller, "Sir, you gotta figure out some way to get word out..." Then in the next shot, as Lennox shouts, "Let's move!" his mouth stays open - not forming the "m" with his lips to produce the word "move", which we hear very clearly (it looks as if he really said, "Let's go!"). Changes in dialogue are done during ADR and often are not in sync with mouth movements seen onscreen. (01:45:45)

Audio problem: In the final chase, when Largo says "jettison cocoon," his mouth does not match the words.

Audio problem: An early scene in the movie has Chinese soldiers recruiting Tibetans to work on a secret project which they are told is a dam. As the scene ends, the sound of explosives draws everyone's eyes towards the mountains, where the explosions can be seen several miles in the distance. The sight and sound of these explosions take place simultaneously. Sound travels much slower than light. In reality, there should have been some delay before the sound of the explosions was heard.

Audio problem: When they arrive at "The Magic Carpet" you can hear Izzy drag three heavy bolts across the door, when the door opens, there are no bolts - just as well, otherwise shooting the lock wouldn't have worked. (00:56:30)

Audio problem: The audio of the "SpongeBob SquarePants" episode on the T.V. doesn't match with the episode. (00:11:20)

Audio problem: Just as McClane and Farrell are about to leave the Eastern Power Hub, Farrell goes on a long rant and his mouth does not match the words he is saying. [In the unrated version of the film, the rant concurs with Will's mouth movements, but the mistake is valid for the regular version.]

Audio problem: When they are fighting on the smaller skiffs above the Great Pit of Carkoon, Luke beckons to Leia to get her to swing on that rope with him to safety. He says "come on", but his mouth never moves.

Audio problem: In the scene with John and his friend in the garage when his adopted mom is telling him to clean his room and he is revving his dirtbike, if you look closely, he has the throttle wide open, but the motor winds down. (00:12:15)

Audio problem: In the Pevensies' treasure chamber, there is a giant rock on top of Peter's treasure chest. When he opens the chest, the sound of the rock hitting the ground is more like that of a small pebble. (00:22:55)